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5 ways to experience long lasting happy feeling

5 ways to experience long lasting positive emotions

Feel good state is a fantastic way to build happiness.

However it is very fragile, we feel high up today during lunch, and then the drop down hits us hard. 

We possibly noticed that shopping doesn’t always do good job of creating long lasting and especially sustainable  positive emotions. Easy affordability can create a short uplifting feel good state, but that‘s often followed by a deep drop after a week of ownership. 


Scientists and psycho-therapists discovered that all humans thrive on having a purposeful existence in some way. Purposeful actions build up a concentration of endorphins, the chemistry of happiness. For some it still will be acquisition of ‘stuff’, for others a sport or even cooking. UppyBags discovered there are a few areas that seem to especially create feelings of happiness. 


If you acquire clothing, buy it with purpose.  What I mean here is buying with a products that have a greater purpose, for instance recycled and sustainable produce. Buy not only functional and good looking stuff, but look beyond it. How was it made; who made it; what resources were used to produce it? Be an intelligent buyer. 

Other that UppyBags (, and you probably already know that these are bags ethically made from recycled cement and rice bags, there are also several cool fashion brands with a greater purpose. 

recycle bag by uppybags

UppyBags discovered a few of these recently. One of them is  - a very ethical brand making absolutely tremendous contemporary clothing by recycling jeans, t-shirts, shirts. They take apart old stuff and put together to make new gorgeous clothing. 




IF You say that having good pint of beer with friends in the pub makes you happy-sure. Up to you, but often this is momentary ecstasy only, just for a moment while you put this pint inside. Sport or a hobby will put you in a state of ecstasy for much longer. This is something that will keep you moving and makes your happy you, contented. I found dancing is great for emotional balance and self satisfaction. There are a few great dancing studios in London that will teach you not only how to dance, but also how to feel good about your body image and your moves. Make you feel fully organic with yourself. One of my favourites is Small studios also sometimes get busy, with super friendly teachers that approach every new dancing enthusiast with special attention. 

You get a crowd of similarly thinking people and plenty of social interaction. Great sustainable way of relaxing. 


Rio zouk fusion



Constant self improvement kind of gets in the way of complete relaxation and often lowers self esteem. So such practices like yoga and meditation will bring you into sustainable balance. Yoga will create a connection of your body with your mind for a better balance. By the way, did you know that yoga mats themselves can be very sustainable, and this one is made of ‘jute’. Fantastic environmentally friendly product, non toxic and completely compostable

yog atribe officical



Waste-less action in this case is about sharing something you don’t need anymore, with someone who needs it. Particularly in your area. helps to organise free sharing with those who live locally. This is free app to use and absolutely sustainable way of goodwill. Easy to participate in giving and receiving actin. Zero waste movement. Love it. 
And finally just breathe with ‘the breath guy‘

Again this one will surprise you. Purposeful breathing apparently helps to normalise the work of several organs in your body, heart rhythm and blood circulation. Breathing is a very sustainable way to heal yourself without medicine. 

The breath guy

And so there we have five ideas to raise your happiness in more long-lasting ways. Take some time to think about how you might makes a few of these part of your regular way of life.

Good luck and enjoy. 

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